If you blog for your business regularly, you should get around 3.5 times more website traffic according to Wordstream, a Google Premier Partner that helps businesses get more out of their online marketing.
Creating blog articles takes time, and it’s not as easy as you think, but it’s well worth the effort. If you haven’t got the confidence, skill sets or time to write yourself, you can outsource your copywriting needs. Thinking about what to write in your blog articles can be a challenge and I'm here to help.
Here are 84 blog post ideas to boost your website traffic.
Thought leadership. What topic of value could you write about and link it to your offerings? For example, if you sell electrical appliances -'Top 10 most cost-effective washing machines'. In the blog article, describe the products, give your expert opinions and add a link to the product on your website so the reader can purchase it.
Expert opinions. How can your expertise influence a potential customer? For example, if you are a health and fitness instructor offering personal training, you could write a blog article about nutrition and physical performance. Concluding with a CTA, 'Book a session with me today and we can discuss a healthy eating plan'.
Best practices. What is the best way to do something?
How to. What can you do to achieve a goal?
Steps to success. What steps can you take to get where you want to be?
Top 10 of something. Of course, it doesn’t have to be 10. It could be any number.
Checklist. Help people not forget important things.
Q&As. Offer resolutions to people’s problems. What questions would they normally ask you in your business?
In the news today. Keep people up to date with the latest relevant information.
Round-up. Let people know what’s been going on over a period of time.
Trends. What is hot and what is not?
Case study. Share a real-life business scenario.
The best of. Inform people of top-notch things.
New product or service launch. Tell people why your new product or service is great.
Product or service review. What have you learned about something? How did it go?
Topic updates. What are the latest statistics or prices?
Questions you should ask. What would you ask someone if you wanted to know something specific?
Common challenges. What could you come up against in a situation and how could you get around those challenges?
Motivational. Inspire people with your knowledge.
Interview an expert. Share someone else’s knowledge.
Employee spotlight. Introduce a member of your staff, and tell their business story.
Niche articles. What do you know specifically about your offerings and do you have a USP?
Introduce new thoughts and concepts. Has there been a new invention or idea?
Share the story behind the business. What is the history of your business, and where have you come from?
How we did it. What process did you do to achieve your goal? Got any tips?
How we do. What do you do to achieve a goal?
FAQs. What is the essential information people need to know?
Glossary. What do things mean?
Event recap. Where have you been recently relevant to your business?
Share your opinion. Feel strongly about something good or bad?
What does that have to do with that? Why is something relevant?
What not to do? What could you warn them about?
Interview with an influencer. Who do you know that can help build your brand?
Book review for your niche. Share a resource to help solve someone’s problems.
Takeaways from a presentation/conference/show. What have you learnt? Do you have new strategies you could share?
Tips and tricks. Make life as easy as possible for people.
Survey/poll. Share the latest statistics or choices.
Customer spotlight. Have you enjoyed working with a customer successfully?
Recommendations. What have you done or had recently that has made a great impression on you?
Favourite list. Give your readers information about your greatest finds.
What to look for. Identify what someone should be aware of.
Sneak peak. Give a cheeky little introduction to something.
Demonstration. Create a video of how to do or make something.
Awards. Have you entered a business competition and won?
Staff contributions. Do your members of staff have writing skills and interesting, relevant information that they want to write about?
Core values. What is your company really about? What is most important to you and why?
Before and after. Share the process and the outcome.
Gallery. Do you have some relevant images to share, and why would they be of interest?
A person’s perspective. What is someone’s viewpoint?
Best piece of advice that I’ve ever received. What worked for you and why? What did someone tell you?
A dummy's guide. Make things as easy as possible to understand.
Things to avoid. Steer clear of things that could put a spanner in the works.
Considerations. What should you be thinking about?
Tips we swear by. What we do, and it works every time.
Changes. What has gone to what?
This last year. What’s happened over the 12 months?
Looking ahead. What can you predict for the future?
Social events. Do you have fun memories to share of an event? Can you show a human side to your business?
Signs it’s time to. When should you make a change?
Press release. Newsflash, what’s the very latest?
This day in history. Did anything happen on a specific day that is relevant?
Announcements. Is someone new starting in the business? Is someone leaving, or has someone gained something?
Seasonal. Is it time to wish readers a Happy Christmas or best wishes for the new year?
Giveaway. Do you have something to donate to someone?
National day. Is it a relevant date for a celebration?
Fun and entertainment. Are there staff activities worth sharing?
Graphics and infographics. Could you share some informative flow charts or mind maps?
Hacks. Got any shortcuts?
The science behind. How does something work?
The things no one tells you about. Share some secrets?
Benchmarks. Where is your business and how well is it doing?
Data collection. Who, where, when, why and how?
Comparisons. Did you try several things? How do they compare?
Highlighting the importance of. What is vital for success?
Myths busted. What do you know that isn’t true?
Trips and excursions. Have you travelled, where did you go, how was it?
Diary. Do you have things you can share in a diary format?
Seasonal information. Are your offerings changing at certain times of the year?
Challenges. What hurdles have you come up against, and how did you deal with them?
Competitions. Do you want to set a task to encourage people to get involved with your brand and win a prize?
Nutshell takeaway. A precis of something.
Check before you do. What should you look out for before you commit?
Why would you need to? What is essential?
Random facts. Be creative!

Here are some helpful written content creation considerations.
When choosing titles and subtitles for your articles, it’s worth considering that SEO and creativity don’t go hand in hand a lot of the time. Use titles that include relevant keywords and phrases to gain more website traffic
Research the topic of which you are going to be writing and quote where you obtained legitimate information
Look online to see what other people/businesses in your industry are writing about. Don’t copy their work, get inspired by their ideas. Make sure you have a good understanding of plagiarism and copyright
Use your social media platform and website analytics to see what could get a lot of interest if you wrote about it
Create a structure for your article - a start, middle and end
Decide on the word count. The average word count for a basic blog article is around 800-1000. Some topics may need more words, 3000 is acceptable
Create a draft, put it to one side for a while and then look at it again with fresh eyes
Spell-check and proofread the article
Ask someone to read the article and give you feedback
Recycle popular written content, make a few tweaks and use a different title
Combine successful content to create another interesting article
Turn popular blog articles into vlogs (video versions of the article)
Create some microblogs for a quick read
Review old posts to see if you can take sections out to build another article
Insert links to other articles and website pages within your content
Put a clear call to action at the end of the article
Why should you have a business blog page? Read more.
Blogging for your business can help to build trust, and credibility and reinforce a brand. It’s an opportunity to differentiate your business from another. Through your blog article content, you can educate potential customers and help them make a buying decision. Always have a purpose and a goal when you create content for your business. Don’t waste time and energy on something that isn’t paying off. Blog articles on a website are a great social media asset, so get creating and sharing. Don’t be afraid to give away some trade secrets, be proud of your business, and show that you are leaders in your industry. Find out more about blogging for your business here.
Contact me today for more information about my blog article writing services. 07800887857 or email me at rachel.roussell@gmail.com
Found out more about my business writing services here.